Join the 5-day 'Be a better writer' Challenge

Hi, I’m Sandra,  content strategist and SEO copywriter.

I've been helping businesses and government improve their online content for more than 15 years. 

Now I want to use that experience to help you become a better, smarter and more productive writer. ✍️

Join me for a FREE ‘Be a Better Writer’ 5-day Challenge

If you’ve ever been reluctant to publish content because you know you could have said what you want to say so much better, this is the challenge for you.

What you’ll learn

Over 5 days, you’ll take a piece of content you’ve already written and:

  • set benchmarks for improving it
  • action the strategies I email you each day for making your content better, stronger and more user-friendly
  • review your content against your original benchmarks and see how much it has improved

Your commitment is only 15 to 20 minutes a day. In that time we’ll cover:

  • free tools you can use to improve your writing
  • identifying the passive voice and how to turn it into the active voice (and why you should)
  • how to break down long sentences into easier-to-digest chunks
  • replacing difficult words with simpler alternatives
  • identifying and replacing jargon
  • nailing who your target audience is
  • including a call to action

I’ll post videos that explain each task so you can see content improvement in action. I’ll do some live editing, too, showing how I would improve content.

Who the challenge is perfect for

The challenge is perfect for:

  • bloggers
  • anyone writing long social media posts 
  • article writers on Medium, LinkedIn or other online platforms 

If you want to feel confident when you hit that publish button and know that your content is delivering a positive reader experience, join the challenge. 

Get interactive

During the challenge, you can ask questions in the Challenge Facebook group and share your work-in-progress for feedback.

You'll get access to my skills and experience to help improve your content.

The more you put in, the more you'll get out of it. 

Apply what you learn

After completing the challenge, you can apply these strategies to improve your existing content or to any new content you write.

Your writing will be stronger and much more reader-friendly, which will bring plenty of benefits. From more engagement to read-throughs to greater reader comprehension and potential conversion.

Your audience will love you for it. 😍

When it starts

The challenge runs from Monday 18 to Friday 22 November.📓

Lock it in.

This might be the only time I run this challenge for FREE, so join now.

I hope to see you in the Challenge group.

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